Bridge of Shadows

Bridge of Shadows

Bridge of Shadows
By Iris Munchinsky
Published by Westbow Press
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It was the absence rather than the presence of sound that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up--as if the alley itself was on guard. And then she heard it--a controlled exhalation of breath coming from behind her. He had followed her into the alley.
Acting on survival instinct alone, she recalled the piece of metal by her foot and bent down, feeling frantically along the ground to find it. Her hand touched something cold and she pulled it toward herself, relieved to find that it was a section of pipe.
"I'm not going to hurt you," said a deep voice, breaking the silence.
She screamed again, and grasping the pipe with both hands, swung like a batter betting o a home run.
paper back; hard cover | 247 pages | 2017909769 | August 10, 2017